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Child Physiotherapy

Therapy Services

Apex Physical Therapy modifies treatments to each patients’ individual needs. Treatments may change from visit to visit as the physical therapist monitors progress made during and between sessions. It is important for the physical therapist to receive feedback throughout the process to ensure the correct treatment plan is being utilized. If at any time a patient has a question about the purpose of a specific treatment, the staff at Apex Physical Therapy encourages them to ask. Patient education is an integral part of the recovery process. Our physical therapists treat a wide variety of conditions. A general lists of treatable conditions and services offered by Apex are on this page. For a more inclusive list of diagnoses, contact us.

Services: Services
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Stabilization of Joints and Strengthening of Injured Tissues

This includes strengthening of muscles to provide stability to joints.  When joints are stabilized properly, less stress is placed on them. This helps in controlling pain, slowing arthritic changes, and preventing injuries.



Nerves can become inhibited or excited in response to an injury. Normal function of the nerves and muscles can be restored through exercises. This involves work on balance, coordination, proprioceptive activities, and movement.


Static and Dynamic Postural Correction

Proper posture and alignment, in conjunction with joint stabilization, allows the musculoskeletal system to function optimally. When correct posture is maintained and muscles are balanced, you are at a much lower risk for overuse injuries from both sports and everyday activities.

Therapist treating injured knee of athle

Mobilization of Joints

Mobility of joints is necessary for functional movement. When certain joints do not move appropriately, you compensate with other joints in order to achieve your movement goal. These compensatory patterns can create secondary problems.


Myofascial Release and Mobilization of Soft Tissue

Poor posture, improper movement patterns, and habits/repetitive movements can create myofascial imbalances. The myofascial system includes the muscles and fascia that holds muscles and organs in place. When the myofascial system “winds up,” movement can be restricted. Hands on techniques are used to release and restore balance.

Closeup of a needle and hands of physiot


This is an OPTIONAL treatment method where a filiform needle is placed into a trigger point in a dysfunctional muscle. This causes a localized twitch response that helps to “reset” the muscle into a normal resting position. Talk to your physical therapist to see if you are a candidate for this treatment.

Physiotherapist covering selected fragments of young man's body with special structure patches durin

Therapeutic Taping

Taping techniques can be used for muscles and joints. Depending on the goal, different types of tape are used. Tapes can be used to support, reposition, facilitate, or inhibit muscles and joints.

TENS treatment in physical therapy - the

Modalities for Tissue Healing and Pain Control

Agents can be applied to injured area with the goal of having a therapeutic response. This includes superficial heat, cold, electric stimulation, ultrasound, and infrared therapy.

Image by Katherine Hanlon

Cupping Therapy 

Cupping is a technique that can be done to increase circulation and promote healing. Cupping will provide a deep stretch where there are myofascial restrictions.

Call to find out more about how our services can help you.

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